In order to access our Wholesale catalog and products, please contact us to make you a VIP. Give us a call (786) 395-2333 or email us at

The landscape of alternative medicine has transformed in the last several years thanks to essential oils — Alchemy Lab is at the forefront of that.

High-quality private labeling facility to provide your brand with its own supply of 100% pure essential oils.

Want something a little more original?

We have three options for you to start your own business:
You can experiment and create your own blend to fit your brand using our oils purchasing by the pound.

Choose from our Keep it in the Heart brand as you resell to your customers and facilitate wellness.

• Bottle ready. We help you develop your own exclusive line, help you choose best aromas to fit your business, design packaging and provide ready to sell products.

Become a VIP Wholesaler. Start the process!

Send us an email with your company name and contact information and someone from our team will reach you as soon as possible. Once you qualify, you will be given access to purchase directly from our site at Wholesale rates.